God Exists: Convincing Evidence - Part 1
Hi there!
Some years ago, before I decided to profess faith in Jesus the Christ as Lord and Savior, I found myself questioning the existence of a supernatural entity.
I suppose I was not unlike many who find themselves opposed to the concept of something or someone greater than. I have since grown to understand that belief in God is a fusion of emotion, intellect and practicality. For me, the biggest hurdle was from an intellectual perspective. I struggled with reasoning the existence of God. I have learned, and now understand, that the concept of God must be cognitively validated in order to induce belief.
The following information, as found (in part) by visiting Cold Case Christianity, is the evidence that convinces me that there is a supernatural being that is generally known as "God".
1. The Universe Began to Exist As Described in the Standard Cosmological Model
2. The Bible Affirms the Standard Cosmological Model
3. Alternatives to the Standard Cosmological Model Fail
4. The Standard Cosmological Argument Points to a Creator God
5. A Personal Creator God is the Best Explanation for the Beginning of the Universe
6. God Created "Everything From Nothing"
1. Biological Micro-Machines Display the Appearance of Design
2. The Appearance of Design is Good Evidence for a Designer
3. Three Attribute of Design Point to the Existence of God as a Designer
4. Alternative Naturalistic Explanations for the Origin of Life Fail
1. Objective Moral Truths Are Self-Evident
2. Objective Transcendent Moral Laws Require an Adequate Law Giver
3. Common, Objective Moral Standards Are an Evidence of God's Existence
4. God is the Best Explanation for Objective Moral Laws
1. The Transcendent Laws of Logic Require a Transcendent Source
2. The Laws of Logic Are More Than Simple Human Conventions
3. The Laws of Logic Are More Than "Brute Realities"
4. The Laws of Logic Are Best Explained by God's Existence
1. God Appeared to Us in Jesus
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